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tradition works中文是什么意思

用"tradition works"造句"tradition works"怎么读"tradition works" in a sentence


  • 传统手绘艺术原创版


  • Nowadays , with more and more intense competition , although many companies which have conducted erp , in most working sites , the tradition work ways to register and take notes are preserved and this results in a huge waste and brings about low efficiency . what is the worse , many information blindness and uncontrollable man - made factors appears which contribute to the mess of the system and decrease in the service quality
    在竞争日益激烈的今天,即使是已经实施了企业资源管理系统( erp )企业在大多数工作现场还保留着传统的基于纸张的手工登记和记录的工作方式,这产生了巨大的浪费和带来效率低的问题,更为严重的是这样使得在工作现场出现很多信息盲区或带来人为的不可控的因素,导致企业系统数据混乱,服务质量下降。
  • Stamper and signature is very important in the affair of tradition work in government and enterprise . this article according to the characteristic of traditional signature and stamper , combinic the demands of signature and seal in e - government - affair work information system , inosculates the technology of middleware and e - government - affair security , makes use of object oriented and component technology , integrates correlation knowledge of compositive cryptogram , pki , seal digital image , activex etc , studies and achieves digital e - signature - seal middleware based on web which is used in internet / intranet environment
    印章和签名在传统的政府办公和企业事务处理中起着十分重要的作用。本文根据传统签名、盖章的特点,结合电子政务办公信息系统中的盖章签名需求,把电子政务安全技术和中间件技术相融合,利用面向对象和组件技术,集成密码学、 pki 、印章数字图像、 activex控件等相关知识,研究并实现了一个应用于internet intranet环境中的基于web的电子签章中间件。
用"tradition works"造句  
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